Jakarta. Gita Gutawa is a teenage girl now as she is 16 years old by 11 August 2009 ago. But she doesn't hold her birthday by glamorous party.
Gita held her birthday party at her house with orphans and Gita Lovers. No special gifts, only she got a surprise right in the middle of the night by her closest friends.
"I don't like glamorous birthday party. At my 16 years old I'm growing adult and start to see the teenagers problems instead," says Gita when we met her at Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Sunday (16/8/2009).
At her adult age, Gita still ashamed to talk about boyfriend. That's included when we ask about 'special gift fro special boyfriend'. Up to now, she has no boyfriend yet according to her.
"I don't know either I just think that all my boyfriends is just friend, all is special for me. But I got to be an adult girl more. A better person to my parents and the others," explains her.
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