Friday, August 14, 2009

Rossa get more popular after her divorce...

10:32 AM
rossaHi, I'm wet now!

Sumedang. After her divorce with Padi's Yoyok, looks like Rossa's fame is bigger nowadays. She managed her duet with Ungu's Pasha, and she is not yet to stop ,she also becoming a producer for some new comers.

She opened the brand-new-studio also named Limaduabelas Studio, lies at Jl Samawi No 33A Pasar Minggu, Southern Jakarta. The new comers including Revalina S Temat, Intan Nuraeni,and Asmirandah. Rossa feels proud to her pupils as they got a good talents. And just now they launched an religy album called ‘Sang Penciptaku II’.

rossanow I'm availabale!

“I'm proud and always support my all pupils as they got a better talents. We have known that Asmirandah can create her own songs, sing them and also doing acting as well as making her own video clips, amazing right ?,’’ notes Rossa.

The one-child widow then hopes as she could be a bridge for them to the singing world, eventhough they has been popular in acting.

“They do got their own fame and popular in acting but in singing world, they are just the same with any others new-comers, starting from zero is a must." says Rossa

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